G.M.P. Group Speeds Towards the Future with Eulero Capital
“A new era of evolution begins, seeing innovation with a stronger global footprint than ever before.”
I am pleased to share some exciting news about the future of the G.M.P. Group.
With great pride, I announce the entry of Eulero Capital into our capital, as a crucial step that will accelerate our presence in the automotive world.
The entry of Eulero Capital is a clear sign of confidence in our vision and our capacity for growth. With a 51% stake in our capital, Eulero Capital will provide the support necessary to reach new heights in the international automotive industry.
For 20 years, the G.M.P. Group has stood for excellence in the design and production of high-quality aluminium components for the automotive sector, with particular expertise in light alloy wheels.
Innovation, design and advanced technology are our DNA. And now, with Eulero Capital by our side, we can look to the future with even greater confidence.
This partnership will open up new opportunities to expand our global presence, bringing the Antera brand back to its former glory whilst investing in ever-more innovative, competitive and design products.
I will remain steadfastly at the helm of our company, with a 49% shareholding, and with fresh enthusiasm, will work closely with Eulero Capital to lead the team into a new era of success across borders.
I am excited about what the future holds, ready at the forefront to continue offering high quality products to our customers worldwide.
It is with the thrill of someone who lives their everyday professional life with enthusiasm, always driven by passion, that I wanted to personally share this important news.
Marco Mancin