Ale Casano and Mattia Orio at the start of the 18th Benacvs Rally – Sponsor Gmp Italia
The 18th Benacvs Rally - 2nd Andrea Bonsaver Memorial and the first Historic Benaco Rally are ready to let the chronometers speak. In the week leading up to the races scheduled for March 4 and 5, the competitors who will take part in the two events organized by Daytona Race in collaboration with ACI Verona Sport, Valpolicella Rally Club and Verona Motorsport have been made official.
Going into the details of those who will be the protagonists of the weekend, there are 95 crews enrolled in the 18th Benacvs Rally, while in the 1st Historic Benaco Rally there are 6 competitors who have given their adhesion. As it was foreseeable, great numbers were presented for the Benacvs Rally, always one of the most loved competitions by the drivers for its very technical and selective route, but at the same time able to exalt the driving skills, all in a postcard landscape. Quantity but also decidedly quality for this event, which will see at the starting tapes ready to fight for the overall victory a car of the WRC class and 22 cars of the R5 class. For the victory of the ranking reserved to the 2WD the fight will be between the S1600 and the brand new Peugeot 208 turbo Rally4 class.
Really high level numbers for the first round of the Zone 3 Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige Rally Cup, which make it really difficult to draw up a possible prediction for a hypothetical final podium, the one of the 2WD and the podiums of the category.
In the S1600 class the crew made up of Alessandro Casano from Bergamo and Mattia Orio from Lario will try to repeat the category success obtained last year at the debut on the Venetian roads; the duo from Lombardy, who will drive a performing Renault Clio prepared by Top Rally from Veneto, will have to face the strong local drivers Vigliaturo and Sartori (Renault Clio).
This is Ale Casano's statement: "The season debut was scheduled at the Adria Rally Show in February but due to the closure of the Autodromo we decided to choose the Benacvs Rally as a test race in view of the appointment on the home roads of the Rally Prealpi Orobiche in April; at my side there will be, as always, Mattia Orio but the novelty 2022 will be the team, in fact we will run always with the Renault Clio S1600 but this time made available by Top Rally of Stefano Ciresola, who I thank from the beginning for the trust and the interest that he showed in wanting us to his "court". Even if it is a test race we will try to do well, maybe repeating the success achieved in 2021".
As anticipated, this year's race will have as its epicenter the town of Caprino Veronese (VR), where the headquarters of the race will be located and where the cars will officially start on Saturday, March 5 after the reconnaissance and the shakedown will be carried out on Friday as well as the official checks. The start of the first car will be given on Saturday at 7.31 am, where it will return always on Saturday, March 5 at 7.30 pm after 320.58 kilometers of race of which 65.68 of timed stretches distributed over 7 special stages.
In addition to being valid for the C.R.Z. Benacvs Rally will also be valid for the R Italian Trophy, the Trofeo Rally Veronesi and the Trofeo 15 Pollici.
All the updates on the race, the COVID protocols to be respected - we remind you that the race will be closed to the public - the videos of the special stages and all the information updated in real time can be found at: